Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center
About the Hui ...
Hui No‘eau may be translated as “people coming together for a common purpose--for the development of artistic skill and the wisdom which derives from that expression.”
The Hui provides an array of programs that support lifelong learning in the arts including art workshops and classes for all ages, lectures, exhibitions, art events, historical house tours, and educational outreach programs with schools and community partner organizations. Our programs and services are accessible to all regardless of artistic aptitude.
The art studios at Hui No‘eau are the only public studios on Maui that offer year-round access to fine art equipment and technical supervision for all who choose to participate.
The exhibition program and galleries of Hui No‘eau play an important role in Maui’s art community and feature work from local artists and creative minds from around the world. The unique gallery shop features the work of Hui No‘eau member artists and a wide variety of handcrafted and museum-quality gift items.